If you have never been seen by a chiropractor, you may not know what to expect on your first visit. Every office is its own and how they operate is different. At Sipe Chiropractic we focus on giving our patients one-on-one care, at all times.

On your first visit, you will need to have an exam prior to being treated. The exam typically consists of a comprehensive family, medical and social history and a physical examination.

The physical exam has three portions:

  • an orthopedic portion
    • consisting of stress tests to reveal the cause of your pain
  • a neurological portion
    • ensures there is no neural involvement
  • a palpatory portion
    • consists of inspecting the muscles for tension, soreness, and pain and for joint restriction in the affected area

Once the exam is finished, Dr. Sipe will go over the findings and diagnosis with you and discuss treatment options. Once this is completed and the choice of treatment is selected, it will be acted upon. If imaging in the form of x-rays, MRI, or other modalities are recommended, that will occur during this review of findings.

If you have any questions, you can call the office to schedule your free consultation to see if Chiropractic is right for you.

For more information click here.

Matthew Sipe

Matthew Sipe

Chiropractic Physician

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